
From the mouths of social innovators

Kyle is from London, but left to Muskoka for work and ended up returning to figure out his next move. Volunteering at Innovation Works has allowed Kyle to explore opportunities, gain connections, Innovation and get his career started in a positive way. 

In a recent fit of nostalgia, Julia attempts to recall the best moments of my last five years: those that stood out as having changed her life irrevocably for the better. Immediately, one moment in particular came to mind: the rainy day in January 2018 that she walked through the front doors of Innovation Works for the first time.

As a Mindset and Habits Coach, Michael helps entrepreneurs and professionals overcome challenges and smash their goals, while having a lot of fun along the way. He also runs the writer training company, So You Want to Write?, which helps writers improve their work and publish their books by connecting them with experts. 

Volunteering at Innovation Works has allowed Alex to offer free health and wellness activities to the community. This is important to her as she believes there should not be a dollar amount on physical and mental health.

As a seasoned software solutions engineer and entrepreneur, who solves technical problems with apps, websites, and analytics, co-tenant member Serge Bornow knows a thing or two about dreaming up innovative ideas and putting them into action.

We are so lucky to have such inspiring organizations, projects, and people that call Innovation Works home. Our cotenants play a vital part in keeping Innovation Works a thriving community of innovators who support each other and help each other grow. They are at the heart of everything we do, and we want to share their stories with you.

Core to our values, "We are better together" we want to introduce you to our Volunteer Team, who are the heart-beat of Innovation Works. We're fortunate to have a dedicated team of volunteers who support our Welcome Desk, our Wellness Works program and many other important projects throughout our organization. Our volunteers are a key component of our community each bringing their own diverse backgrounds and talents to their posts. We hope you'll follow along for our series of volunteer profiles to get to know the great people we rely on to help Innovation Works thrive.

We are so lucky to have such inspiring organizations, projects, and people that call Innovation Works home. Our cotenants play a vital part in keeping Innovation Works a thriving community of innovators who support each other and help each other grow. They are at the heart of everything we do, and we want to share their stories with you.

During the height of the pandemic, over 77 local investors have contributed a total of $1 million to the Innovation Works Community Bond helping us reach our campaign goal. At a time when many charities and nonprofits are facing hardships, the support of Londoners for Innovation Works, a program of Pillar Nonprofit Network, through their investments will enable us to continue to strengthen, connect and advocate for nonprofits and social entrepreneurs.

Core to our values, "We are better together" we want to introduce you to our Volunteer Team, who are the heart-beat of Innovation Works. We're fortunate to have a dedicated team of volunteers who support our Welcome Desk, our Wellness Works program and many other important projects throughout our organization. Our volunteers are a key component of our community each bringing their own diverse backgrounds and talents to their posts. We hope you'll follow along for our series of volunteer profiles to get to know the great people we rely on to help Innovation Works thrive.
