Pillar Nonprofit Network is committed to protecting the privacy of its clients, employees, volunteers, donors, and other individuals about or from whom we collect personal information. We value the trust of those we deal with as well as the public in general and recognize that maintaining this trust requires that we be transparent and accountable in how we treat the information that they share with us.

Pillar embraces the principles of the Canadian Standards Association Model Code for the Protection of Personal Information and Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) to ensure that all personal information (client and employee) is properly collected, used only for the purposes for which it is collected and is disposed of in a safe and timely manner when no longer required.               

Employees who disclose personal information, contrary to this policy will be subject to disciplinary measures, up to and including termination of employment for cause.

The Executive Director is appointed as the privacy officer and is responsible for the implementation of this policy. Any issues or questions regarding this policy should be directed to the Executive Director.               

During the course of our various programs and initiatives, we frequently gather and use personal information. Anyone from whom we collect such information should expect that it will be carefully protected and that any use of or other dealing with this information is subject to consent.


Personal information is any information that can be used to distinguish, identify, or contact a specific individual. This information can include any individual’s opinions, beliefs, as well as facts about or related to the individual.

Exceptions: Business contact information and certain publicly available information, such as names, addresses, telephone numbers and email addresses as published in telephone directories or on websites are not considered personal information. If an individual uses his or her home contact information as business contact information, the information is not subject to protection as personal information.


Personal information as defined and gathered by Pillar is kept in confidence. Pillar’s employees are authorized to access personal information based only on their need to deal with the information for the reason(s) for which it was obtained and are required to protect the confidentiality of the information. Safeguards are in place to ensure that the information is not disclosed or shared more widely than is necessary to achieve the purpose for which it was gathered. Pillar also takes measures to ensure the integrity of this information is maintained and to prevent it from being lost or destroyed.


Pillar will offer individuals we deal with the opportunity to opt out and not have their information shared for purposes beyond those for which it was explicitly collected.


Any information collected or used through Pillar’s website or via electronic correspondence requires a user to provide such information voluntarily. Upon receiving such information, this information is then treated the same as other personal information collected through other activities or methods and treated as if the individual consented to its use and collection.

We use password protocols and encryption software to protect personal and other information we receive when a service, product or donation is made or requested for online. Measures are taken to routinely update our software to maximize protection of such information.

Pillar’s website may contain links to other websites, where the policies outlined here may not be consistent with the policies of that website. Please be wary of any personal information you may disclose to the websites.


Pillar Nonprofit Network uses products and services from the following third-party vendors to facilitate general operations and the marketing and delivery of our programs and services:

Google (G-suite Apps, including Gmail, Google Sheets/Docs, Google Groups and Google Calendar; Google Analytics and Google Ads)
1600 Amphitheater Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043 United States

PeaceWorks Technology Solutions (Website/CRM Hosting)
101-554 Parkside Drive, Waterloo, ON N2L 5Z4 Canada

Sparkpost (Bulk Email Delivery)
9160 Guilford Rd, Columbia, MD 21046 United States

OfficeRnD (Space Management and Leasing for Innovation Works)
4 Crown Pl, London EC2A 4BT, UK, United Kingdom.

By using the Pillar website and/or accessing Pillar programs and services, you are consenting to the privacy policies of these vendors. Please review their privacy policies on their respective websites.


We retain personal information only for so long as is necessary to fulfil the purpose for which it was collected and to meet our legal and contractual obligations. If personal information is no longer required, it will be destroyed or rendered anonymous. Given the nature of our work, some information is kept for a significant period as defined by best practice and legal requirements.                

When information is retained, it is stored safely and securely to protect personal information against loss, theft, unauthorized access, disclosure, copying, use or modification. We maintain appropriate technical and organizational safeguards. Reasonable security measures are taken including password protection, secured filing cabinets, oath of confidentiality, limited access, and security systems for office and locations where information is stored.


Pillar maintains procedures to ensure that the information we collect and use is accurate, up-to- date and as complete as possible. However, we rely on individuals to disclose all relevant information at the time of collection and subsequently when we request updates or changes. Individuals may, with proof of entitlement, request to access and, if applicable, request that we correct information in our possession. Any updates, changes, or deletion requests will be processed as soon as possible.


We may be required to disclose information where required by statute. Wherever possible, personal information shared is rendered anonymous and will not include personal identifiers. Prior to the disclosure outside of the original purpose of the collection, Pillar will obtain consent from the individual. We do not sell, rent, or distribute our mailing lists.


Pillar will make available specific information about our policies and practices relating to the management of personal information.


Pillar will regularly review our privacy practices for our various programs and initiatives and update our policy.


Individuals may ask whether we hold any personal information about them, ensure that it is accurate, and see that information, as stipulated by law.               

Individuals have the right to know:

    - How we collected their personal information.
    - How we are using their personal information.
Please send requests to review personal information to Pillar's Executive Director.

Individuals may register a privacy-related complaint by contacting Pillar’s Executive Director. The Executive Director will explain our procedure and provide information on our complaint procedure. Pillar will investigate all complaints. If an objection is justified, the Executive Director will take all appropriate steps to repair the situation, including changing our policies and practices if necessary. Personal information related to volunteers, job applicants, and employees are subject to similar protocols.
For further information on privacy in regards to personal information, check the website of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada at